Bujrum | Welcome! I’m Azar Causevic (they/them) from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I want to honor all those before us who contributed making ourselves and our communities more resilient, compassionate and hopeful. I’m a queer feminist activist and one of the core team members of LGBTIQ+ association Okvir and Queer Archive project. I am passionate about queer spaces of love, memory, and resistance. I also do queer peer counseling. Besides that, I am an IT explorer, poetry and psychoanalysis lover.
Random things about me: I believe in connections and that love heals. I also love to get lost and rediscover bits and pieces of myself in the sky, hugs, dreams, sound, text, emotion, art. My favorite colors are turquoise, gray, black and white. I have a dog called Zen, but he is zen in his own way, just as we are.
My blog with random photos, music, poetry and art: www.lernerblu.wordpress.com

Track 1- Shame-free, sexuality positive, kink loving and dating resource

O Dot School
English, Feminism and sexuality

Track 2- One of the resources of "Our Data Our Selves" series by Tactical Technology Collective

Activism on Social media, a curated guide
Digital Safety, English

Track 3- OGBV strategy tactical game by APC

TakeBackTheTech Game
digital care, Digital Safety, English, French, OGBV, Spanish

Track 4- Interview with artist Luiza Prado on her GIF essay "All Directions at Once". She examines counterhegemonic technologies of birth control vis à vis the colonial production of race, gender, and sexuality. 

Radical Care in the Space of Excess
art, decolonization, English, feminism, Portugese, sexuality, Tech

Track 5- A historic report on women's rights and online safety in BiH

End violence: Women’s rights and online safety
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, case study, OGBV, research

Track 6- Source noted by organizers: We Accept Project. It tells the personal stories of people who have decided to be open in countries with high levels of homo-, bi-and transphobia. The project was implemented by a group of journalists, photographers and translators from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Albania, Croatia and Kosovo within the Europe Lab with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation "

We Accept Project
Albanian, Croatia, Croatian, English, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, LGBTIQ+, Macedonia, Macedonian, Russia, Russian, Uzbek

Track 7- This is a Digital first aid resource by RaReNet and CiviCERT

Digital first aid
Albanian, Arabic, Digital Safety, English, French, Portugese, Russian, Spanish

Track 9- This is a Capacitar emergency kit with basic practices to deal with stress and manage emotions

Capacitar emergency kit

Track 10- Feminist principles of the Internet with case studies from BiH and the region

Feminist Principles of the Internet: Feminism and the Internet - Bosnia and Her…
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Croatia, Macedonia, OGBV

Track 11- An essay by Richa Kaul Padte on loneliness, technology and neoliberalism.

If we bring our loneliness to the internet, what do we take away?
digital care, digital landscapes, English, India, Tech

Track 12- This is a Front Line Defenders guide on secure group, chat and conferencing tools

Guide on secure group, chat and conferencing tools
Digital Safety, Multilingual

Track 13- Queer community digital storytelling project from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Digital Storytelling “Freedom in My Own Way”
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, DST, LGBTIQ+, queer, sexuality, Tech

Track 14- This is a guide with extensive toolkits to protect yourself from electronic surveillance

Surveillance Self Defence
Digital Safety, Multilingual

Track 16- Doxing prevention harm reduction training by Hacking/Hustling, a collective of sex workers

Doxing prevention harm reduction training
Digital Safety, English, LGBTIQ+, OGBV, sex work

Track 17- A queer tech feminist piece by hvale on discipline of hope in digital age

The discipline of hope
collective care, English, self care, Wellbeing

Track 18- Global storytelling projects in service of transformation: resource and stories

Digital Stories
DST, English, LGBTIQ+, queer, sexuality, Tech

Track 19- These are Witness library resources for video activists documenting abuse, violence and protests

Witness library
Arabic, Digital Safety, documentation, English, French, Portugese, Spanish

Track 20- Queer and feminist podcast from Serbia celebrating women, queers, art, activism and resistance

Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, feminism, GBV, tech and art

Track 21- This is an IG profile of a therapist for building strong and healthy relationships and boundaries with yourself and others

Nedra Tawwab

Track 22- This is a summary report by Whose Knowledge? "Decolonizing the Internet’s Languages"

Decolonizing the Internet’s Languages-Summary report

Track 23- Illustrations by artist Zombijana Bones from Serbia

Zobijana Bones
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Croatia, feminism, Macedonia, queer

Track 24- This is a a full Whose Knowledge? resource series of "Our stories, our knowledges" by Dalit, Kumeyaayi and LGBTIQ+ community members on centering our knowledges online

"Our stories, our knowledges"
North America, decolonization, English, Feminist internet, India

Track 25- Digital care tips on safe sexting and messaging apps from FRIDA

Digital Care
digital care, Digital Safety, English, OGBV

Track 26- XYZ is a space for practical tools to navigate digital security and privacy from a gender perspective, learn from each other's activism, inspire one another and co-create

Digital Safety, English, LGBTIQ+, OGBV

Track 27- This is a pdcast "Whose Voices?" by Whose Knowledge?

Whose voices?

Track 28- Meme page and podcast by Bosnian-Herzegovinian feminist collective

They are all witches - Sve su to vještice
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Croatia, Feminism and tech, Macedonia

Track 29- This is a collaborative essay by Anasuya Sengupta and Azar Causevic on epistemic injustice online.

Whose Knowledge is online? Practices of epistemic justice for a digital new deal
North America, decolonization, English, Feminist internet, India

Track 30- APC's feminist digital safety resource on online safety, safe space strategies and OGBV response

The FTX: Safety Reboot 
digital care, Digital Safety, English, French, OGBV, Spanish

Track 31- This is a website of a feminist queer collective of writers in Croatia, with rich content on culture, art and technology

Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Croatia