Aloha I am an intersectional feminist from Morocco, a modern day nomad and world citizen having lived in six different countries so far. Founder of the feminist youth-led movement and blog Politics4Her to break stereotypes, encourage women to grow more informed, and become active participants in civil society. A strong advocate for human rights particularly in topics related to migration and gender. Currently pursuing a master’s degree in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration. Passionate about digital communications, positive use of social media, youth & women empowerment.
I am a vegan, ukulele addict, yogi, ocean lover, surfer & skater, adventure seeker, dream chaser, rainbow lover, and my biggest dream would be to sit on a cloud and be able to eat at the same time.
IG: yasbens
Twitter: yasbenslimane




Afrocyberféminismes is a research project that questions the contemporary challenges posed by digital technologies with regard to Africa and its diasporas by exploring the place of gender and race: Everything about this initiative is amazing. The color palette, how the website looks “young” and adapted to our time. They also have many events related to gender, race, feminist internet, digital safety, and more. I love the intersection between all the different themes.

Movement Diha Frassek

Movement Diha Frassek, created by 3 Moroccan friends to stand against harassment and cyberbullying for girls in Morocco: During the month of Ramadan and because of the pandemic/quarantine (I guess some people were so bored they wanted to harm others), there has been a raise in sharing nonconsensual images by both former intimate partners and strangers. Many instagram pages were created just to share images of young women and girls.


Research Report Promoting State Responsibility for Technology-Facilitated Gender Based Violence against Women in Morocco Action:… This is literally the only study done in Morocco based on a survey on OGBV. Also it reflects on how the majority of Moroccan women women interviewed have been victims of OGBV. A lot have also decided to remain silent because of the way it is perceived by society.

Moroccan web-series on Youtube about teenage girls experiencing OGBV

Moroccan web-series on Youtube about teenage girls experiencing OGBV: Very impressed by the effort of making a mini web-series about OGBV. I feel like this is the best way to sensitize younger generations. The setting takes place in a high school in Morocco’s economic capital Casablanca. Not only does it show how OGBV can be harmful, but also gives solutions to fight it, how to protect one’s self and how to contact competent authorities.


« Stop violence numérique » is campaign calling out technology based violence against women launched by Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (ATEC) in Morocco: This is the first time that in Morocco action is being taken to protect women against OGBV. ATEC is also offering judicial and psychological support, they have been working on the topic since 2016 but since there has been a raise in cases starting the quarantine.