Posted by Florencia Goldsman on 2019-06-24

Why do women still have to file reports of violence anonymously? Because we are talking about things that no one ever imagined. Why do we choose to do it over social media platforms? Because (for now) they remain the most accessible bridge to a large number of people. How can confidentiality be preserved at a time when there is an urgent need to publicly shame aggressors? Find out in this article

Posted on 2019-02-08

As we embark on a new year of #metoo and other forms of powerful testimonial movements such as #survivingRKelly, the wisdom shared in January’s Take Back the Tech!  Webinar was an important learning opportunity and reminder of how we can contribute to collective wellbeing and care in our movement. Take Back the Tech! kicked off the New Year with a Reboot Webinar on documentation and reporting for…

Posted on 2019-02-07

For this year’s Take Back the Tech!, Philippines-based APC member Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) spotlighted the work of local activists on social media, ran workshops with university students and participated in a radio show among other activities to bring attention to the problem of online gender based violence. 

Posted on 2019-02-07

Nigeria-based Take Back the Tech! campaigner Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) organised a number of activities, both online and offline, this year, including workshops for young women in secondary schools and radio and television segments on digital rights and risks online. They even developed a lexicon for online gender based violence. We caught up with CITAD Program…

Posted on 2019-01-07

This year, Colnodo put together an action-packed 16-day campaign for Take Back the Tech, featuring everything from e-books to podcasts to human rights workshops. We spoke with Canadian intern Catherine Joubert, who was heavily involved in planning and executing Colnodo’s TBTT campaign about the highlights of the initiative.

Posted on 2019-01-04

For this year's Take Back the Tech, One World Platform (OWP), based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, used videos to highlight the concerns, ideas and experiences of local activists. We had the chance to catch up with OWP's Project Assistant Aida Salihovic to hear about the campaign and discuss issues of online gender-based violence in the country. 

Posted by Seyi Akiwowo, Executive Director Glitch on 2018-12-17

During #16daysofactivism 2018 the wonderful Take Back the Tech! team held a South to South Solidarity Tweetchat. This was an opportunity to begin to dissect intersectional and international solidarity. As a young black woman from the global North, this started with me sitting back, listening to and learning from allies and  activists in the global South. I think it’s safe to say the 90s is one of…

Posted on 2018-10-03

We worked closely with Luchadoras and SocialTic, campaigners in Mexico, to develop this list of manifestations of online gender-based violence based on case documentation. Use it in your work and activism, and please share it widely!

Posted on 2018-08-17

We worked closely with Luchadoras and SocialTic, campaigners in Mexico, to develop this list of manifestations of online gender-based violence based on case documentation. Use it in your work and activism, and please share it widely!

Posted on 2018-04-24

Colnodo having fun during their tweet chat for their Take Back the Tech! campaign in 2017 From 25 November to 10 December, 2017, Take Back the Tech! Celebrated “Revisit to resist: Histories of the movement to end gender-based violence” as part of the 16 Days of Action Against Gender-Based Violence. The campaign, including global and local actions both online and onground, reached nearly 6 million…