Image source: GotCredit, Flickr
Make notes of your answers, print this tool to fill it out and refer to later, or use it to guide a conversation in an offline activity. Let us know which apps and tools work for you and which don’t along with your ideas for improving them by tweeting @takebackthetech or emailing us at ideas@takebackthetech.net.
Make notes of your answers, print this tool to fill it out and refer to later, or use it to guide a conversation in an offline activity. Let us know which apps and tools work for you and which don’t along with your ideas for improving them by tweeting @takebackthetech or emailing us at ideas@takebackthetech.net.
- Does the app ask you to keep GPS and location settings turned on at all times?
- Does the app need to connect to any of your social networking platforms?
- Is there a risk that information you input could get into the hands of an abuser/harasser?
- Does the app put too much burden on you or make you feel like you are responsible for preventing violence against yourself?
- Is there a financial cost to use the app?
Number of “yes” answers: _____
- Is the app easy to download, install and use?
- Does the app ask your permission before accessing your location?
- Does the app explain how personal information will be used and protected?
- Does the app accurately do everything it says it does?
- Does the app provide resources that are specific to your location and demographic?
- Does the app make your preferred language available?
- Does it say if the app was created in consultation with survivors and/or people who work with survivors?
- Does the app make you feel empowered to do something about violence against women?
Number of “no” answers: _____
Add the totals from each column. The lower the score, the better the app, but some aspects may be more important to you than others.
Don’t know of any safety apps? Here are some suggestions for review. See if one is right for you!
App-FEM (Español)
App-FEM (Español)
Ellas (Español)
HarassMap English باللغة العربية
PAM (Español)
S.O.S Mulher (Português)
SaiPraLá (Português)
Take Back the Tech! Map English Bosanski Español Français Hrvatski македонски Português اردو باللغة العربية
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