Posted by Erika Smith in collaboration with Fungai Machirori on 2017-04-28

When you receive calls at all hours from women desperate to get intimate photos shared without consent taken offline, it's a relief to hear about Facebook's latest move to address the distribution of non-consensual intimate images. Finally! Technical solutions to social problems seldom make a good fit, even in a digitally layered world, so here is our take on some pluses and limitations of…

Posted on 2017-03-15

Colnodo: Take Back The Tech! campaign 2016   Supporting women in ICT use, talking about their rights, and developing formative processes with communities to create digital enviroment free of violence against women is a bet from Colnodo, as a transverse axis in all its work.    In this new version of the campaign, we developed sensitazion activities and tranining sessions with…

Posted on 2016-11-23

As part of the 2016 campaign for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, we are celebrating 10 years of Take Back the Tech! through an interactive timeline that charts our collective history. Tell us how you campaigned for Take Back the Tech!   Send us inspired moments from your campaign work, such as the time you: Started a local campaign or first participated in the global…

Posted on 2016-11-08

As part of the 2016 campaign for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, we are celebrating 10 years of Take Back the Tech! through an interactive timeline that charts our collective history. Tell us how you campaigned for Take Back the Tech!   Send us inspired moments from your campaign work, such as the time you: Started a local campaign or first participated in the global…

Posted on 2016-09-08

It's been ten years since Take Back the Tech! began, and we begin celebrations this week at the AWID Forum in Brazil. Over the last decade, thousands of activists, advocates, techies, writers, artists, survivors and educators in more than 35 countries have come together online and off to prevent violence against women. Together we have learned new ICT skills, improved our digital security,…

Posted on 2016-08-08

Can you believe it's been a decade since Take Back the Tech! was first launched? Over the years, thousands of people have come together from countries around the world to use ICT to prevent violence against women. We have all benefited from the ideas and actions of women and girls in more than 30 countries, and we continue to be inspired by the activism and outcomes we see.   We are working on…

Posted on 2016-05-20

Are you attending the AWID Forum this coming September in Brazil? Take Back the Tech! will be there for a one-day pre-event on September 7 - right before the forum starts. The event is called Imagine a Feminist Internet and is open to women's rights activists and techies who are interested in exploring the growing impact of technology on our politics, movements, and futures. The collaboratively…

Posted on 2016-05-16

We've been working on a new collaboration with Luchadoras, a weekly TV show that hosts feminist activists in Mexico. In partnership with Luchadoras and La Sandía Digital, we are 2016 Womanity Award finalists, joining forces to tackle violence against women through ICTs. Check out our video below.

Posted on 2016-02-22

It's February 2016, and we here at APC are working on Take Back the Tech! plans for 2016, which will involve an increased focus on supporting you in developing and implementing creative, strategic action in local communities.   We ended 2015 with another successful 16 Days Campaign, and we want to thank you for playing an important role, whether you developed your own campaign, took part in…

Posted by DominemosTICMX on 2016-02-09

Este año, como parte del proyecto Basta de violencia: derechos de las mujeres y seguridad en Internet, Dominemos la Tecnología en México está dedicando esfuerzos a la reflexión sobre dos campos en los temas de la violencia de género en las TIC: privacidad y enganche, y pornovenganza.   Pronto estaremos compartiendo con ustedes la información y los materiales resultantes de este esfuerzo,…