Posted on 2015-12-08

This year for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, we wanted to amplify the voices of women around the world on this subject. Most of our stories focus on technology-related violence or how technology is used to counter violence against women. Although we frequently see stories on technology and violence in the media today, they often focus on the US and the UK. But women all over the…

Posted on 2015-10-13

12 October 2015: Since Friday, 9 October 2015, a mounting online attack has been launched against the Twitter hashtag #TakeBacktheTech and associated initiatives.   Take Back the Tech! was launched in 2006 by a group of young women in Southeast Asia in response to an increasing recognition that emerging ICT developments like mobile phones and geolocation software were used to extend the…

Posted on 2015-10-08

Contribute to IGF Best Practice Forum Report on Online VAW, 9 Oct at 14 GMT   We are working with the Best Practice Forum to develop a comprehensive report on online VAW, which will be presented at the Internet Governance Forum 2015 as a best practice guideline, and we want your input. You can participate in the following ways: Join the Twitter conversation on 9 October at 14 GMT…

Posted on 2015-08-12

Just Associates (JASS) Southern Africa, the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and Women'sNet are very pleased to announce the launch of a new resource: ICTs for Feminist Movement Building: Activist Toolkit   Across the world, women are using information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support rights agendas, tell their own stories and challenge emerging issues in…

Posted on 2015-04-15

We are pleased to announce that Take Back the Tech! has been nominated for The Bobs Awards, the best in online activism. Since 2004, The Bobs awards honor bloggers, activists and journalists in 14 languages that champion the open exchange of ideas, freedom of expression and human rights on the Internet. The Bobs are the only global, international award honoring creative and brave projects online…

Posted by Brindusa Luciana Grosu - YouAct member, Romania on 2014-12-10

If you know how to use the technology, you can avoid becoming a victim. Before speaking out, it is important to take your time to understand the way the Internet works.   1. If you intended to be anonymous, stay anonymous. In the online world the mere desire of remaining anonymous is not enough to keep your identity safe and hidden. It is not only about avoiding to sign a post or article…

Posted on 2014-12-10

It's Human Rights Day, which means it's also the final day of a great 16 Days campaign! People from around the world have come together to speak up about violence against women, and these actions inspire women and girls to keep working for change. Here are some highlights from the past two weeks of documentation, solidarity and resistance: Videos women made on the relationship between violence…

Posted on 2014-12-04

5 December 2014 Women bloggers and journalists face frequent online harassment, cyberstalking and even physical violence. The more visible a woman is online, the more abuse she faces, and this violence aims to silence her.   We need women's voices in the media. We need women challenging gender norms and sexist depictions, countering the exploitation of women's bodies, contributing to analysis…

Posted on 2014-12-01

Today is World AIDS Day, which gives us a moment to stop and reflect on those lost to this virus, those living with it and those at risk. But this is an issue that deserves our attention year-round. Did you know that there are more women than men living with HIV? Or that women who experience physical violence are at greater risk of acquiring or having HIV than those without violence in their…

Posted by Sara Baker on 2014-11-27

I've been trying to interview women and girls for the documentation action that Take Back the Tech! announced. I've found it's more difficult than I anticipated, so I wanted to explore the reasons why because I think they are directly related to the theme of freedom of expression. "I'm not sure I can speak to that." Many of the women I speak to say they don't feel prepared to talk about the…